
  • Requirements

    DFTTK requires YPHON, MongodB, Python 3. Python 2 support for NumPy ends 2019-01-01.

  • Release version

pip install dfttk
mkdir dfttk #if dfttk folder not exist.
cd dfttk
dfttk config -mp -aci #a folder named "config" will be created where running environmental info saved
  • Development version

git clone
cd dfttk
pip install -e .
cd dfttk
dfttk config -mp -aci #a folder named "config" will be created where running environmental info saved


To postprocess the finite properties, the Yphon package is required. Yphon can be installed by run

cd ~
git clone
#Note: Usually the precompiled binaries should be executable in the common Linux/Unix environment. If not, do the following:
cd YphonPackage/YPHON/YPHON
#Note: If errors reported in the compiling stage, insert one line #define R_OK 1 after #include

For csh user: the command search path should be changed by inserting line below into the .cshrc (.tcshrc) file

set path = (. ~/YphonPackage/YPHON/YPHON $BIN_PATH $path)

For bsh user: the command search path should be changed by inserting the lines below into the .bash_profile (.bashrc) file

export PATH

Connect DFTTK to MongoDB server

Ask the MongoDB system manager for a json file named db.json to get your DFTTK results saved in MongoDB database. The db.json file contains something similiar to the following lines which should saved under the “dfttk/config” folder that was created by “dfttk config -mp -aci” command mentioned above.

    "database": "userid-results",
    "collection": "tasks",
    "admin_user": "userid",
    "admin_password": "BeFihJ2mrKGm",
    "readonly_user": "userid-ro",
    "readonly_password": "QIvaUT9ca6H8",
    "host": "",
    "port": 27018,
    "aliases": {}

Access MongoDB database from desktop

One can download robo3T from After install it one use the information from the db.json file to setup robo3T connection as indicated in the following figure


  1. PSU-VM is an arbitray name for the connection that you want to use;

  2. is the ip address of one’s MongoDB server;

  3. One need to replace userid by one’s own usedid provided by one’s MongoDB system manage
