
This document covers how to handle jobs that have fizzled. There are three main sections: common troubleshooting, general troubleshooting workflow to find the root cause of issue and specific issues and their fixes.

Common troubleshooting

  1. In the config stages, one may need properly set up VASP environments, such as

module load intel impi vasp
  1. Make the latest automate installed;

  2. In .bashrc/.cshrc, make sure not messed up with previous atomate FW config;

  3. Make sure the setup in the .bashrc file or (equivalently in the .cshrc file)

export FW_CONFIG_FILE=~/dfttk/config/FW_config.yaml
  1. git push issue for contributors, see

  2. for batch run of the postprocessing modules, make sure compatibilities of non-ascii character by:

export LC_ALL='en_US.utf8' #for bsh;
setenv LC_ALL en_US.utf8 #for csh
  1. For phonon calculations, due to certain reasons (such as temperature range too high), one may not see results in the ‘qha_phonon’ or “qha” MongoDB collections. In this case, the subcommand ‘dfttk thfind’ will try to find results from the “phonon” collection and process the data by calling “Yphon’

  2. When you are interesting in revising the code, if have job running in the system before your changes, the codes in the batch system might not be updated and the results might be not as you assumed. It takes me two days to figure out this problem. The solution is to kill all the dfttk running job and resubmit tem.

Troubleshooting Workflow

My job has fizzled! The following steps can help you get information about how your job. You can imagine it as a decision tree. Check one thing before moving on to the next one.

  1. Check that the job ran and has raised an exception with a traceback.

    Run lpad get_fws -i <ID> -d more, replacing <ID> with the integer id of the Firework. Search the output for _exception. What you see is the Python exception that was raised when running the Firework.

    TIP:: Searching works well when you pipe the output to less with lpad get_fws -i <ID> -d more | less and search using /.

  2. Check the traceback is not a common error.

    See the Common Errors section

Common Errors

Custodian VasprunXMLValidator failed

In this error, you get a traceback that looks something like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/storage/home/bjb54/.conda/envs/wfs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/custodian/", line 320, in run
    self._run_job(job_n, job)
  File "/storage/home/bjb54/.conda/envs/wfs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/custodian/", line 428, in _run_job
    raise CustodianError(s, True, v)
custodian.custodian.CustodianError: (CustodianError(...), 'Validation failed: <custodian.vasp.validators.VasprunXMLValidator object at 0x2af45b1d3908>')

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/storage/home/bjb54/.conda/envs/wfs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fireworks/core/", line 262, in run
    m_action = t.run_task(my_spec)
  File "/storage/home/bjb54/.conda/envs/wfs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/atomate/vasp/firetasks/", line 204, in run_task
  File "/storage/home/bjb54/.conda/envs/wfs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/custodian/", line 330, in run
    .format(self.total_errors, ex))
RuntimeError: 0 errors reached: (CustodianError(...), 'Validation failed: <custodian.vasp.validators.VasprunXMLValidator object at 0x2af45b1d3908>'). Exited...

With the key being that Custodian fails to validate the vasprun.xml. After running VASP, Custodian will try to parse the vasprun.xml file using pymatgen.

There are usually two possible triggers for this failure:

  1. VASP failed to run at all (more common) or quit in a way that custodian did not detect (less common)

  2. The vasprun.xml file could not be parsed by pymatgen.

To investigate this, first check that VASP ran (e.g. the OUTCAR shows that the run completed successfully). If VASP did not run, find out why and fix that issue. If VASP did run successfully, it was probably an issue parsing the vasprun.xml file. Try parsing the vasprun.xml file using the class. If it throws an error when you try to parse, that’s what made Custodian fail and you should fix that.